Archive for the ‘Life’ Category.




在東京的時候,想到Head Porter的本店去買個「師奶包」。最後不夠時間也沒去了。在網上看,一直覺得賣的價錢很貴,所以也沒有買下來。剛剛看到了這篇文章,寫道:

正如當年黎堅惠女士在一個甚麼卡的廣告中一句:you are what you wear,我信!

離開東京前的下午,我在新宿還是買了一個包包, 門前的便宜貨。

¥2000左右就有交易。在店裡頭,我跟中年的男店主談了一下。店裡看見了心宜的Head Porter包,價錢一看,是門外的十倍。我問店主,那個的價錢高十倍啊!老先生對我說,那個跟這個,分別大不了多少,門前的足夠了。


如果上面的話真的是對的話 ,那我又值多少錢呢?

Tokyo Day 2 (morning)

Today, I’ll be meeting my friend Viet Ha from Northeastern at 2. He is Vietnamese but studied for a year in Japan before attending Tokyo University as a undergrad in Computer Science. He then came to Northeastern for the Phd program, and we met as tutors for an Introduction to Computer Science class. He has since finished his required coursework for his program and found a job in Japan, and that’s the reason why he’s here now. I think he’s still active in the Phd program, and will return to Boston once he’s ready to defend his thesis.

After that, I’ll be meeting Reihime and Matt in Shibuya this afternoon. It should be activity-filled day.

Tokyo Day 1 (part 2)

I got out of the airport at 5 and called Mrs. Nitta immediately from a phone box. I took the Keisei line to Nippori and then Yamanote to Shinjuku. It was an uneventful ride and around 7 I finally got to the hotel. I met with Atsushi briefly and he left me with his spare cell phone. After a quick change of clothes (nothing much, really, as I didn’t have my bags at the time), I called Nitta again and followed her instructions to take the Chuo line to Ochanomizu. We then went to a yakitori place by the YWCA.

There were many people, up to 20 or so, at the gathering. They were all there to celebrate Nitta’s retirement (that’s as much as I understood). All of them were once collegues or students of Mrs. Nitta and they exchanged Christmas gifts at the party, etc etc.

Afterwards, we walked to the station and some of them had to leave. The rest of us, including Mrs. Nitta, went to a coffee shop and talked for a bit. I think one of the women works as a social worker at a Children’s Home, while another teaches as some private school. There were 6 of us in total. I brought my camera along and took photos.

We finished at around 10:30. One of the women was going to Takadanobaba, so the two of us took the Chuo line together to Shinjuku.

Tokyo Day 1 (part 1)

I’m in Tokyo now, I got the hotel safely and had dinner with Mrs. Nitta and her friends. I took photos as well.

I’ve been lucky ever since this morning — I got really good seats on the plane and it wasn’t too crowded. However, my luck ended when I got to Narita.

My luggage didn’t come with me to Tokyo on the same flight.

I had 2 bags, a stroller and a backpack. The stroller (with all my clothes) came on the next flight, so United sent it out here to the hotel at 10, and it’s already in my room. The other bag, the backpack, will hopefully come tomorrow night.



在回港前的那個周末,我會在東京。在那四天裏,我住在新宿的Sunlite Hotel。新宿3丁目。


嗯,我想吃真正的天婦羅,也想到[拉麵二郎]( “Ramen Jiro”)把整碗拉麵吃完。

為了這一次的旅行,我突然很想買個[新的相機]( “Lumix FZ5″)。舊的那個還是放在抽屜裡,也都舖滿塵了。新的在電腦螢幕上看起來閃閃發亮。雖然價錢並不貴,但總覺得可能會有點浪費。其實,重要是培養出把相機常常戴着的習慣:相機不戴着不用的話,新的舊的,下場都一樣。旅行時,戴着相機到處拍照當然不難,但是回到平日的生活,就往往會忘記。

看見街上的日本觀光客,每一個好像都拿着[Head Porter](的[包包](。看着看着,自己也變得想要擁有一個。我和日本朋友抱怨說,為什麼賣得那麼貴呢? 「才不貴呢,我的已用了七年,樣子到現在還沒變,是個非常耐用的包包。」為了七年不變,十年不變的一個包,花一萬円究竟值得嗎?



わたしも元気です! – これは名句だな〜

昔、岩井俊二の映画を観たと彼の作品を全部観たくなったから、DVD box setをeBayで買っちゃった。けど、少し観たと、すぐに置き忘れた。

最近、香港のラヂオをネットで聞き始めたで、岩井のLove Letterは香港に再公演していること聞いた。 休日だから、数日前あのDVDを本棚から出して、夜に家で観ました。

岩井監督の作品はずっと気に入ったけど、今までLove Letterを観たことがない。でも他の作品は、例えば、リリィ・シュシュのすべて花とアリスも観たことがあります。




追加:このサイトを見付かった、Rana Dasgupta彼の本は面白そう、読みたい。






最近、おふくろはこのブログを読むことを発見した。だから、中国語で書かずに日本語もっと書くかもしれない ;-)









昨日,アメリカの独立の日なんです。夜の時,言語学の友だちと 一緒にCharles Riverの川岸から毎年一回の花火を見ました。




起きたら,atsushiからのAIM message:

(07:40:52) 榎本温: heh

(07:40:53) 榎本温:

Fumiaki Yoshimatsuさんも同じ事を考えたそうです。

Dating Profile

This Dating Profile thing seems to be pretty popular lately, here are my results:

Your dating personality profile:

Liberal – Politics matters to you, and you aren’t afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.

– You are not particularly shy when it comes to your sexuality. You know what you like and do not feel inhibited.
Romantic – You know exactly how to melt your date’s heart. Romance comes naturally to you and is an important component of any relationship you have.

Your date match profile:

Practical – You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Intellectual – You seek out intelligence. Idle chit-chat is not what you are after. You prefer your date who can stimulate your mind.
Romantic – You need someone with a traditional understanding of romance. A true romantic is a must-have in any potential date.

Your Top Ten Traits

1. Liberal
2. Sensual
3. Romantic

4. Big-Hearted

5. Adventurous
6. Wealthy/Ambitious

7. Intellectual
8. Outgoing
9. Practical
10. Traditional

Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Practical
2. Intellectual
3. Romantic

4. Sensual

5. Adventurous
6. Outgoing
7. Conservative
8. Traditional
9. Athletic
10. Big-Hearted

Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions